Organize Printed Photos
Not sure where to begin? I can simply organize those printed photos for you based on information you can provide. Or, I can go so far as to take those printed photos, scan and organize digitally and the printed photos. Placing those photos in archival quality containers. Whether in photo boxes and or albums. This option allows you to enjoy those precious photos electronically, or the option to sit down and look at photos with other family members.

Organize Digital Photos
Have you ever tried to find a photo on your desktop of a certain event, but couldn’t readily find it? Do you have multiple photos of the same event? It can be quite daunting at the thought of taking all those digital photos and organize them. I can help you get started and organizing those photos. There are a variety of tools to choose from and we’ll discuss together the best options that fit you. Once organized, I will help you to learn those tools and we’ll make a plan to help you keep organized.

Synchronize Photos
Do you store photos on your smartphone and computer? Not sure how to get them from your smartphone to desktop? Together, we’ll come up with a plan and tool that best fits you to get those photos on to your computer and keep them organized.
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