Tips for Creating a Calendar with Photos

Continuing on with my List of Unique Gifts for the Holidays, is creating your own Calendar. 1. Get Organized Save yourself some time and gather your photos first. a.  Choose high-quality photos.  More about that in the next tip. b. If they are not already digitized,...

Re-purposing Your Child’s Artwork

Do you have a collection of your child’s artwork or other projects, collecting dust and not sure what to do with them?  Well here are some possible ideas and all of them make great gifts; for yourself, child or other family members.   By scanning your...

Unique Gifts for the Holidays

If you’re like most people, you may wait until Thanksgiving to start the holiday gift buying. However, if you want to give something truly special and personal, that gift can take a little longer to prepare. Photos and videos provide something special that...